The Essence Of the Initiative!!
It's Amazing When dreams come true! But it is mesmerizing and heartwarming when your dream inspires courage, awareness, and hope in people who fight against all odds for at least a near normal life in the society!We at Dixit Hospital & hArshAi IVF center are honored and extremely fortunate to have been able to put together a Cancer Awareness Initiative, the aim of which was not only to support cancer patients fight the pain but also to create awareness among the society regarding the need for opportunities and strength we need to step forward with to help cancer patients feel a part of the society!
”“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen” Winston Churchill
How It All began – The Root Of the Event?
Thoughts constantly hums in our minds, but When someone gives it a voice, is when it becomes a clear vision!Inner Wheel Club Of Vapi approached us with an idea of conducting a free camp for early detection of breast cancer with the introduction of a new, advanced and safe technology called the breast light.We also conducted Bone Mineral Density and Hemogram for all.
Camp Days – 10th/11th/12th February 2019

Fruits Reaped! Safe
Breast light along with clinical palpation helps in becoming a diagnostic tool for early detection of breast cancer.The Camp saw around 500 women from Vapi turn up for the camp.Around 4 women were tested positive for further investigations and we could help women start with necessary nutrients for anaemia and bone osteoporosis.

was a socially Educational Cancer Awareness Initiative
A Peep Into the Event!!
- Our Real Heroes - Our Early detected and treated cancer fighters, we so call them as our privileged participants, walked the Ramp! This helped us send a message how important early detection is for a healthy life and that your strength is your inner courage and a will to see things differently.
- Special kit with paper bags (GO GREEN) with nutritional food having anti-cancer properties (Anti oxidants) and lifestyle guidelines pamphlets for guidance.
- There Were Educational Lectures By:
- 1. Asha Dixit (Consultant Gynecologist and IVF interventionist at Dixit Hospital & Harshai IVF Centre, FOGSIan Past President – 2017-2018)
- 2. Tushar Dixit ( M.S Surgeon and Director at Dixit hospital and VMA president)
- 3. Archana Shetty ( Reconstructive Breast Surgeon, Kokilaben hospital)
- Most importantly, All were provided with coupons for PAP and other cancer markers at discounted rates Urging Them To get the tests done for early detection and treatment and take steps towards a better Life!
- Many among the ones who attended the event were surprised about the facts they learned and were extremely thankful for knowledge and awareness that they promised to spread as much as possible!
Behind The Stage!

The Event!

& The Magic Continues….

Our Pillars Of Strength!!
We were honored with the presence and support of CDHO, Owner of Meril Institute Mr. Gafur Bilakhiya, VOGS FOGSI, Jito President Mr. Shah, Inner Wheel Club Vapi, Utkarsh Mahila Mandal, Goghari Mandal, Vibrant Chala, Dhiren Mutha Foundation, Sahyog Foundation,Meril AcademyThe highlight of the event was the Ramp Walk by our cancer Fighters & the Musical Drama on our theme “UMEED” which was graced by the presence of Mr. Siddharth Randeria of "Gujjubhai and Chal Jeevi laiye" Fame!What An Event!! Such efforts and dedication shown by all our “Priviledged Participants”, Our entire team and supporters. Now That’s What We Call Success!!
We for Stree. Safer. Stronger. Smarter

Memorial… Our Brave Fighters who will always be remembered!
You are missed each & every day, for you were someone special who meant more then words can say!your strength & smile in your hardest moments make me feel so proud of you... special dedication to my heroes!!you will always be in my prayers!

It’s an enlightening experience knowing that we have taken one step closer to helping our society understand the importance of acceptance, of support, sorting the myths from the facts and building a strong environment! What Feels great is the relentless support that was lend to us constantly to make this event a great Success!! This is not the End.. It’s just a chapter! To many more such chapters to come.. In making our society a better place for our patients to live in!
Event Details
- 3.30pm - 4.00pm: Regristrations
- 4.00pm - 4.15pm: Welcoming and lamp lighting
- 4.15pm - 4.45pm: Ramp walk by our fighters
- 4.45pm - 5.30pm: Lecturesby:
Dr. Asha T Dixit - Early detection- How & Why?
Dr. Tushar N Dixit - Diagnostics and treatments
Dr. Archana Shetty - Reconstructive (Cosmetic) approach to Breast Cancer Surgeries
- 5.30pm - 6.00pm: Musical Drama
- 6.00pm - 6.15pm: Vote of Thanks
Come join hands in fighting against Cancer and making our society a better support pillar!
Special Thanks
Inner Wheel Club Vapi
Goghari Mahila Mandal/Amrut Bindu
Utkarsh Mahila Foundation
Vibrant Chala
Dhiren Mutha Foundation
Sahyog Foundation
Meril Academy